Winter is certainly with us now, what a good time to sit around and sew, quilt, knit or do any other
craft that takes your fancy. Retreat is only 7 weeks away so time to start planning your project.
Being close to the end of the financial year, Committee is taking a good hard look at our budget. It’s a
little hard to do when some people still have not paid their fees. We know they mean to as they are
still coming. Some we have not seen for a little while and we hope they have not decided to leave us.
Please get those late fees in!
If you know of someone who has moved, or plans not to rejoin, can you let Linda or one of the other
Committee members know please?
Turning 80 does not mean automatic Life Membership:
Sorry Ladies, I know it used to; but a few years ago we had to have a good hard look at this, as the
Guild is top heavy and soon we would have had sooo many Life members so we had to adjust the rules
for life membership:
1. You need to have turned 80.
2. You need to have been a member of the Guild continuously for 20 years or more.
3. You need to apply to the Committee. One of the considerations of the committee will be your
contribution to the Guild.
And while we are on financial matters, please make sure you are booking in and paying each week
when you come. The numbers of people and the amounts never add up and our Treasurer is starting to
go batty trying to get everything to balance.
If you pay CASH, put a tick next to your name and the cash in the cash tin ($3, for you, $5 for
If you use a CARD, put Cx next to your name (where x is the next number on the card). On your card
write the date on the x spot so you know you have used that spot.
The heading says it all really! You will need to pay cash, so be prepared.
Lunch will be served at NOON so please try and arrive by then. This year we will be serving rolls
with cheese, ham and tomato, with the soup. Simone V is organising the day, so any questions on
soups, give Simone a ring.
Our speaker is Jo from THESE CLEVER HANDS. I saw her “shop” at the weekend and it is bright and
fabulous, lots to see and buy.
We will be moving to the Hurstbridge Hub at the beginning of September. There will obviously be a bit
of disruption around this time, but we will let you know more as we get closer to the time.
Have you noticed the lovely, framed quilts of the dragonflies and of the irises are missing? Yes, we
noticed too. We have asked the Halls People and they have emailed to all the Hall users asking if
anyone knows anything about them. So far no response.
Margaret C.